SJ Trials is pleased to announce that we have entered into a collaboration with factory Scorpa rider and former world number four Jorge Casales Carrasco. The collaboration will run for 2023 with both parties having the option to continue into 2024 and beyond.
As part of this collaboration the logo will appear in four prominent positions on Jorge’s helmet and will give our brand maximum visibility across the world of trial.
Jorge is the number one Scorpa rider and this collaboration increases our association with the Scorpa brand. For 2023 Scorpa have brought many innovations to the world of trial with the release of the new SCT range which will soon be available to the general public. We cannot wait to see what Jorge will do on this new bike and as the number one factory rider he will be the point of reference for Scorpa riders worldwide.
Jorge has a full program of events planned for 2023 which include the World and Spanish Championships starting with the 1st round of the Spanish Championship in Barcelona on the 1st April 2023.

In order to grow our brand and give something back to the sport we have been involved in for the past 35 years we are actively seeking to work and collaborate with several riders of all ages and abilities. If this is something that you think you could be part of please contact us via or social media channels or send an email to